ZennoPoster Лапы культиватора
Trade platform of the sale digital goods & PIN.
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First of all, you should understand that buy electronic goods, and you can not poschupat it before buying. Experience shows that the majority of online purchases in the confusion arose because the gun buyer and insensitive learned of the conditions of sale or delivery of a product. So take your time, do not even be extra minute and carefully examine all the information on the purchase of goods and the seller.
Our shop is a commercial site, which puts the seller and the buyer directly. We do not interfere in the process your transaction, but merely provide a convenient interface for the event. We can not guarantee you 100% integrity of the seller, while taking all measures to ensure that the sale of our sports were fair. Our shop is not responsible for the quality of product, we are responsible only for the timely delivery of goods, if payment.
The choice strongly recommend:
  • Carefully read the description of the product and make sure this is what you want. All information is a commodity seller. The description must be clearly understood that you get in our shop once. If you have any questions or doubts, be sure to contact directly with the seller, because it owns full knowledge of a unique product.

  • Check the seller total sales. Please note feedback on products. A large number of sales indicates that the seller has long been known in our service and credibility.

  • Payment for goods:
  • With Z or R-purse WebMoney Keeper (direct payment):

  • To pay for the goods should click "Buy product" The type of currency select WMZ "or" WMR. " If you use WM Keeper Classic, previously run it and follow the instructions.
  • E-Gold

  • For the product it is necessary to have an account with E-Gold system. Click "Buy product." Go to the Method of payment - E-Gold. Set in the "Email" your E-mail, which will be duplicated reference to the acquired product.
  • RoboXchange

  • For the product it is necessary to have an account with any system supported RoboXchange service. Click "Buy product." Go to the Method of payment-RoboXchange. Set in the "Email" your E-mail, which will be duplicated reference to the acquired product.
  • Moneybookers.com

  • For the product it is necessary to have an account with the system Moneybookers.com. Click "Buy product." Go to the Method of payment-Moneybookers.com. Set in the "Email" your E-mail, which will be duplicated reference to the acquired product.
  • Z-payment.ru

  • Z-PAYMENT - universal system. In process of the buying system will offer you to open the count. Press the button "Buy product". Go to the Method of payment - Z-PAYMENT. Without fall reference in field "Email" address of your e-mail, to which will is deported (in the event of payment on bank) or duplicated reference to obtained goods.
  • Liberty Reserve

  • For the product it is necessary to have an account with Libertyreserve.com system. Click "Buy product." Go to the Method of payment - Libertyreserve. Set in the "Email" your E-mail, which will be duplicated reference to the acquired product.
  • Siteheart.com

  • For the product it is necessary to have an account with Siteheart.com system. Click "Buy product." Go to the Method of payment - Siteheart.com. Set in the "Email" your E-mail, which will be duplicated reference to the acquired product.
    Delivery of goods:
    Our shop is a commercial site with instant delivery of the goods. All products in our internet you get as soon as you can pay, you do not have to wait a minute to start using prepaid product.
    Opinions about the product:
    Opinions about the product you can leave only after purchase. The withdrawal must be justified and does not contain inappropriate language.
    The seller can answer your opinion of his personal cabinet.
    Rating goods:
    Any visitor to the shop can vote for any commodity. For each product displayed average rating and the number of votes.
    Any visitor to the shop can leave a comment any good. Comments are moderated mandatory.


    What buy such shop?



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    General statistics

    Partners: 0
    Goods: 18
    Sales: 36
    Amount: $40.00
    In WMR: 360.00
    In WMZ: 28.00
    In Egold: 0.00
    In Robox: 0.00
    In Mon-s: 0.00
    In Z-P: 0.00
    In LB: 0.00

    Statistics for today:

    Sales: 0
    Amount: $0.00
    In WMR: 0.00
    In WMZ: 0.00
    In Egold: 0.00
    In Robox: 0.00
    In Mon-s: 0.00
    In Z-P: 0.00
    In LB: 0.00

    Home :: All goods :: Buyer :: Rules :: Seller :: Partner :: Registration :: Contacts
    OEM, MAC, Apple :: Copyright пїЅ 2005-2009 Ragdai.info :: Version: 2.0 RC 2

    Принимаем платежную систему Z-PAYMENT Принимаем Liberty Reserve